OKU Cultural & Development Association abravated as OCDA is an association which brings together the sons and doughters of OKU at home and abroad for the social and economic development of OKU kingdom.

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OKU Cultural & Development Association abravated as OCDA is an association which brings together the sons and doughters of OKU at home and abroad for the social and economic development of OKU kingdom.


Bring together all sons and doughters of OKU for selfless and frank unity for our common good. Promote the social, cultural, enviromental, and economic development of OKU. Carryout development projects through individual and collective efforts and encourage peace and conflict resolution within OKU and between OKU and her neighbors.

The objectives shall be to:
i) Design and execute projects that tie with the purposes of the Association;
ii) Raise, seek and obtain funds for such projects.
Article 7: PRINCIPLES: The following shall constitute the principles of the
i) OCDA is built on the foundation of love and unity;
ii) Members shall have equal rights and obligations; and
iii) Development shall be participatory.


The following are the organs of the association. The general asemply, the national executive commetee, the branches and the standing commetee.


Membership is open to all OKU people and all other persons who adhere to the values and aspirations of the association.


They are internal and external branches of OCDA. 


All financial transactions of the Association shall be backed by valid


Any member in good standing may vote and/or be voted into a post in the
OCDA National Executive Committee or Standing Committees

HRM, The Fon Of Oku

The Fon of Oku is a revered traditional ruler in Cameroon responsible for maintaining law and order, promoting cultural practices, overseeing development in the community, and serving as a mediator between ancestral spirits and living people. The Fon holds a crucial position in preserving customs and traditions and plays an important role in social gatherings and ceremonies. The Fon is a symbol of unity and strength for the people of Oku and holds an important place in Cameroon culture.


Vice President

Our Green Inheritance

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